Here we are another week. Have I ever told you that learning a small number of words every week will help you to improve your vocabulary with very little effort? Cheer up!
*Aquí estamos una semana más. ¿Os he contado alguna vez que aprender unas pocas palabras cada semana os ayudará a mejorar vuestro vocabulario con muy poco esfuerzo? ¡Ánimo!*
- To report: To tell the conclusions of an investigation; To say that someone is guilty of a crime (informar, denunciar)
- A report: The studies or conclusions of an investigation or meeting (informe, reseña)
- To review: To have a quick look at some notes to re-study or re-read them (repasar, revisar)
- A review: An article in the media giving an opinion about a book, TV program, film, play (crítica, análisis)